Would be great if the CommerceMediaCollection could store different media in different cultures.
Right now (Commerce 9.x) you can only set a CommerceMediaCollection in the master culture and the other cultures will inherit that collection. I found that CommerceMediaCollection gets editable in other cultures when it have the [CultureSpecific] attribute, but changes wont be saved in the database.
For example in the "en" culture we want to store 3 documents in the collection while in the "fr" culture we want to store 2 other documents.
Would be great if the CommerceMediaCollection could store different media in different cultures.
Right now (Commerce 9.x) you can only set a CommerceMediaCollection in the master culture and the other cultures will inherit that collection. I found that CommerceMediaCollection gets editable in other cultures when it have the [CultureSpecific] attribute, but changes wont be saved in the database.
For example in the "en" culture we want to store 3 documents in the collection while in the "fr" culture we want to store 2 other documents.