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There is a quick link in the content area, where one will get a list of only valid blocks (if you're using AllowedTypes on the property) and they will get published to the page's folder and added to the content area automatically.
But yes, the workflow can be made simpler. In general, we're trying to stay away of having blocks in TinyMCE.
However, I don't see dynamic content as a valid solution going forward.
Thanks for the answer Johan!
How about making a button inside tinyMCE "create a new block" that does the same thing as in content area (they will get published to the page's folder and added to the content area automatically) ?
i think this is the answer to all my problems and would boost up editors work quite a lot..
Your way works but take for example a site where we have
2 video blocks
2 quotations blocks
2 other awesome blocks
and we will have text between them
this mean we need 12 blocks in total, addistonal 6 rich text area blocks..
if we can make blocks insite tinymce we would skip the 6 additional blocks..
What do you think?
Hi Episerver
Your new blocks are great but when workign with editors used to work with Wordpress blocks are rather a huge annoying and time consuming way creating dynamic content..
Let me take a example:
We have a picture with left margin a header and some text..
This is a block/module with some styling on it and is not easy to make in as a class in tinyMCE also it not straight forward for the user..
Making it as a block fixes the issue but there is too many steps..
1. choose right block
2. create block
3. enter som data into the block
4. Publish block
5. Find back to our page
6. Edit page
7. Drag and drop block to the page...
Dynamic content would fit for this task perfectly.. you dont have to leave your page and can simply create it form edtior..
But in the latest verision we can´t acced media anymore from dynamic content..
Well, episerver is a bit after the editor friendlyness and i hope you consider make this better..