Hi Arild,
Do you found any way to update submitted Episerver Form data from source code?
I have found the method for retrival and delete the Submission and searching for how to update sumitted form data.
Thanks for help in advance.
Hi Amardeep,
I don't have an exact description for you, but here's something you can try: https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/-Episerver-75-CMS/Thread-Container/2016/7/episerver-forms---overwriting-submission-data/
Thanks Arild.
Actually I have already submitted EPiserver Form data and want to update some fields data in these submitted Episerver Form data and provided link example is to override the Form submit and modify data.
My requirement seems similar to your use case example.
Please guide if you know the way to update already submitted EPiserver Form data.
Thanks for the help.
For Forms, I would like the option to edit submitted data (field-by-field).
This can be handy in cases where someone made a typo before posting the form, and the typo is forever stuck in the data whenever you export it to a static format (xlsx, csv, etc).
Typical use case:
Using Episerver Forms for signup forms for an event. John Smith misspells his name "John Sith". The submitted data is exported as-is and circulated internally to the sales dept, or fed into a nametag print service, or another similar use case. It would be beneficial to fix the original data once and for all, instead of having to fix the typo in all copies of the data. (I know I'm sick of doing that, at least.)
Side-request: The option to set a form-wide setting to determine if the submitted form data should be editable. This would be handy for Forms instances where the submitted data should NOT be tampered with (e.g. for GDPR audit reasons).
OK, thxbye