When we log to application insight in the DXP we would like to attach an EventId to the log message. This would allow us to more efficiently search for specific logs as well as set up monitoring and alarms for log messages with specific EventId.
The default implementation of ILoggerFactory is trace logger and it take care of level and message. in our case another implementation of ILoggerFactory that can interpret and map event id to application insight eventid is needed.
Hi Episerver,
When we log to application insight in the DXP we would like to attach an EventId to the log message. This would allow us to more efficiently search for specific logs as well as set up monitoring and alarms for log messages with specific EventId.
The default implementation of ILoggerFactory is trace logger and it take care of level and message. in our case another implementation of ILoggerFactory that can interpret and map event id to application insight eventid is needed.
Best Regards