Access denied on startpage only

Hi I have implemented LDAP authentication on an intranet (Epi 451 and Win 2003). Everything works just fine besides the startpage. When a visitor goes to the startpage on "" he gets a windows login and can't login even though he has sufficient access rights. If he instead go to the page "" everything works just fine (and this goes for all other pages that he has access to). Why is this so, it's the same page that is shown in both cases. If I log on as an admin I'm allowed to see the startpage either way so I'm guessing that this somehow is related to file access on default.aspx but i can't figure out how. I even tried to give everyone full access to this file but no luck. I tried to trace what happens with FileMon but all the log said was that access was denied. If I go back to the form based login I have no troubles at all. Any ideas? //Jerry
Apr 19, 2006 21:15
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