Load Balancing & AOL visitors

Question: Can the episerver login cookie be modified to have an expiry date? Background... We are running our instance of EPiServer in a load balanced environment with multiple web servers. On the whole this is working well with the only exception being visitors using our site on AOL. It appears that using the AOL client which we have subscribed to for the purposes of testing the session state is not being preserved between pages. Probably due to AOL's extensive use of proxies each page hit gives a 50% chance of hitting a different webserver to that of the previous. Each time this happens the impact is that your login state changes. If you successfully logged in on Server A, when you hit a subsequent page on Server B it treats you as an anonymous (logged-out) user. Having experimented further using a diagnostics user control rendered onto every page we have identified that the episerver login cookie value is changing on every page which we believe might be the cause of this behaviour. Has anyone else who has a load balanced environment tested there website via AOL? Many thanks,
Jun 05, 2006 13:42
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