EPi Statistics



One of my clients wanted a simple logging of visitors so I turned on logging/statistics in the EPiServer manager.

I also added the code for the log generator and this adds code on all pages. There is one small problem though. On the log tab in edit mode all hits are shown but I get no data in "URL" and "Number of References".

When I looked at the HTML i noticed that referrer is empty and I guess that this is the reason for the problem. I looked at several sites incuding episerver.com and all have the same issue, see below

 Anyone with any insight in this?


 <script type='text/javascript'>
    var r = Math.random();
    var t = new Date();
 var URL = '%2fEPiServer+2007%2fRoot%2fEPiServer++The+Leading+.NET+CMS%2fExperience+EPiServer+CMS+5%2f%5bNext+steps%5d%2fDownload+EPiServer';
 var pageId = 13281;
    var extra = '';
    var ref = escape(document.referrer);
 if ( ref.length >= 100 ) ref = ref.substring( 0, 100 ) + '...';
 document.write("<img width='1' height='1' alt='' src='/Util/PixelImg.aspx" +
   "?URL=" + URL +
   "&pageId=" + pageId +
   "&referrer=" + ref +
   "&extra=" + extra +
   "&t=" + t.getTime() + ";r=" + r + "'/>");
 <p><img width='1' height='1' alt='' src='/Util/PixelImg.aspx?js=0&amp;URL=%2fEPiServer+2007%2fRoot%2fEPiServer++The+Leading+.NET+CMS%2fExperience+EPiServer+CMS+5%2f%5bNext+steps%5d%2fDownload+EPiServer&amp;extra=&amp;pageId=13281&amp;referrer=' /></p>


May 14, 2008 16:48
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