Hi, I am new to Episerver CMS and I seem to be having some problems getting the site the start.
I have installed the site on my local machine and that is working fine, but when I try to start the site through Visual Studio 2008 I get the following error:
Two or more sites have the same siteId 'Site1' in <site>. The siteId must be unique for each site
But "Site1" is the only site that is specified in my web.config.
Hi, I am new to Episerver CMS and I seem to be having some problems getting the site the start.
I have installed the site on my local machine and that is working fine, but when I try to start the site through Visual Studio 2008 I get the following error:
Two or more sites have the same siteId 'Site1' in <site>. The siteId must be unique for each site
But "Site1" is the only site that is specified in my web.config.
<site description="Site1 Site" siteId="Site1">
<siteSettings enableScheduler="true" stringCompressionThreshold="0" stringDelayedLoadThreshold="0" remoteWebServiceCulture="0" indexingDelayAfterPublish="00:00:20"
uiDefaultPanelTab="0" indexingTextRegExp="[\p{N}\p{L}]{1}[\p{N}\p{L}-\._]*[\p{N}\p{L}]{1}"
logServiceUrl="soap.tcp://localhost/TimeSpanAnalyzerView" uiImageTransparencyReplacement="White"
globalErrorHandling="RemoteOnly" uiSafeHtmlTags="b,i,u,br" uiOptimizeTreeForSpeed="false"
remoteCacheListenerShortNames="" httpCacheVaryByCustom="browser"
httpCacheVaryByParams="id" httpCacheExpiration="00:00:00" pageCacheSlidingExpiration="12:00:00"
remotePageCacheSlidingExpiration="02:00:00" uiEditorCssPaths=""
uiEditorColors="" uiEditorHeight="250" uiEditorWidth="500" uiEditorValueOptions="0"
urlRewriteExtension="" pageUseBrowserLanguagePreferences="false"
uiShowGlobalizationUserInterface="false" subscriptionHandler="EPiServer.Personalization.SubscriptionMail,EPiServer"
mirroringRetries="5" mirroringRetryDelay="00:00:01" mirroringHtmlTextEncoding="Unicode"
mirroringFileWriteRetryDelay="00:00:05" categoryId="1" pageRootId="1"
pageStartId="3" pageWastebasketId="2" pageOfficeStartId="0"
uiMaxVersions="0" uiVersionMerging="true" pageValidateTemplate="false"
uiKeepUserLoggedOn="true" siteUrl="http://localhost/" uiUrl=http://localhost/UI/
utilUrl="http://localhost/Util/" siteDisplayName="Site1"
errorMailHandler="~/util/SendErrorReport.aspx" pageFolderVirtualPathProvider="SitePageFiles"
uiTheme="" enableEvents="true" enableRemoteEvents="false" />
Anybody that can help me in the right direction? Thanks for your time