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NLB and FileShare


We want to set up an EPiServer solution as follows:

  1. An NLB with two nodes (WEBSERVER1 and WEBSERVER2)
  2. An edit sever (EDITSERVER)
  3. One shared database
  4. A fileshare for the VPP

We have problems setting the access rights for the VPP folder.

As I see it the following accounts need access rights to the VPP folder at the share:

Is this solution at all possible? Do the webservers and the fileshare need to be at the same domain to accomplish it? The problem as I see it is to set access rights on the fileshare for an account from a different machine.

If it is not possible do you know another solution to accomplish the same thing, to have one shared file upload for multiple webserver instances.


Mar 18, 2009 9:44

I guess the same problem is asked for in the following thread:

But as two different answers are given the question for me remains.


Mar 18, 2009 10:09

You probably should run the app pool with a domain account or local machine accounts that have the same name and password on all machines. If you have different domains, the users must be local machine accounts.

IIS will run using the NetworkService account which is local and won't have access to other machines.

If you have the money, a SAN will probably be better.


Mar 18, 2009 12:08

Thanks Steve

I'm a developer but I know that our technicians have choosen between a fileshare and a SAN. So I know we have a SAN.

After reading about what a SAN is I understand it this way:

You can attach a shared storage device to each webserver as it exists locally. In our case we would have three "virtual/local" devices, one for each webserver, but physically the storage would be the same. You set local access rights on each webserver. If a file is uploaded at WEBSERVER1 it physically will be saved at the shared storage device. The file will then exist "locally" at each webserver.

Is this correct?


Mar 19, 2009 11:05

Yes Hans, that is correct, and the beauty of a SAN.

Just make sure the SAN accepts simultaneous writes from all servers. I've heard that cheaper SAN solutions (oxymoron!) might not, and is in effect read-only from all but one server.

If you're running on virtual servers, I think you can even virtualize the SAN, which is a great idea! :-)


Mar 19, 2009 11:59

Thank you very much for your help, Steve

This helps me a lot.


Mar 19, 2009 12:19
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