Hi Frode.
Have you tried to remove the EPiServer httpModules for your virtual directory?
<location path="pathtoyourservice">
<remove name="InitializationModule"/>
<remove name="Initializer"/>
<remove name="WorkflowRuntime"/>
<remove name="UrlRewriteModule"/>
<remove name="WorkflowRuntime" />
<remove name="UrlRewriteModule" />
<remove name="Initializer" />
<remove name="InitializationModule" />
Hope this helps!
BR, Tore
Have you checked this thread:
Your problem looks a lot like the problem with two different EPiServer-dll versions.
Thank you so much Tore!
Your hint solved the problem immediately, and saved my weekend.
Have a nice weekend everybody.
Hi everybody,
I've developed an EPiServer sollution for a customer. They want to add a web project that they already have developed into this sitestructure without having to "build" it into the episerver project.
My first thought was to add a virtual directory and run it from there. However, this gives me the following error-message when trying to access the files in this directory:
Beskrivelse: Det oppstod en feil under kompilering av en ressurs som er nødvendig for at denne forespørselen skal fungere. Gå gjennom bestemte feildetaljer nedenfor og endre konfigurasjonsfilen.
Kompilatorfeilmelding: CS1519: Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Linje 116: }
Linje 117:
Linje 118: public virtual EPiServer.Personalization.SubscriptionInfo, EPiServer SubscriptionInfo {
Linje 119: get {
Linje 120: return ((EPiServer.Personalization.SubscriptionInfo, EPiServer)(this.GetPropertyValue("SubscriptionInfo")));
Kildefil: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\solvkroken\95c5aae1\abac6979\App_Code.isgvat6o.0.cs Linje: 118
Does anyone know how to get this to work?