Problem with new installation



I'm new to EpiServer, and have encountered a problem with my first installation.

I install the site and database using the deployment centre, and this seems to go okay.  However, when I try to login to Admin mode, it prompts me for my username/password.

I enter my Windows credentials and it then displays an "Incorrect link" page, "404 not found" for "http://localhost:17001/admin".

I am installing the latest version 5.2.375.236 on Windows Vista IIS 7.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks


Jul 14, 2009 12:22

Your path to admin consists of siteurl + uipath + /admin, where uipath is the path you entered as part of the installation wizard.

So your admin url should be:

where uipath is value of uiUrl under siteSettings in web.config.

Jul 14, 2009 13:24
Thanks, that was it.
Jul 14, 2009 14:55
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