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Adding Ektron Metadata from content to page - instead of just metadata from pagebuilder page



How do we add metadata from a content item (widget) to a page? We already have a metadata control in our master page to allow for page builder metadata to be added but also need to allow users to add metadata to a content item. This is especially useful where the page is a dynamic page (where the user cannot edit to add metadata) and pulls in content from a certain folder.

An example would be a general statistics page where there is no default metadata on the page builder wireframe therefore nothing is being added to the CMS metadata control that we have on the master page, the user then creates a content item and this is pulled onto the page using an Id in the name of the content item. We want to be able to pull the meta data from the content item and put it on the dynamic page, in the CMS metadata control if possible.


Edited, Jul 13, 2017 10:46
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