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9.30 SP2 features

Solr support updates

  • New Solr version supportEktron CMS now supports Solr version 7.4.0.
  • OpenJDK support. Solr now supports OpenJDK versions 8 to 10.
  • Excluded MIME types.The ability to add Excluded MIME types was added to Register Site screen. MIME types that you specify are excluded from indexing.

Episerver Find updates

  • Boost expression support. See Solr Search Boosting.
  • Support for ImplicitAnd: Multi-word synonyms are supported only if implicitAnd = false because of a Find limitation. See Multi-words synonyms don't work if query contains WithAndAsDefaultOperator.
  • Keyword expression support.
    Type Example
    AND search words criteria.ExpressionTree = new KeywordExpression("ektron") & new KeywordExpression("cms");
    OR search words criteria.ExpressionTree = new KeywordExpression("ektron") | new KeywordExpression("cms");
    ANDNOT search words criteria.ExpressionTree = new KeywordExpression("ektron") &! new KeywordExpression("cms");
    GreaterThan or >

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.GreaterThan(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id > 10;

    GreaterThanOrEqualTo or >=

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id >= 10;

    LessThan or <

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.LessThan(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id < 10;

    LessThanOrEqualTo or <=

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.LessThanOrEqualTo(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id <= 10;

    Equal or =

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.EqualTo(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id == 10;

    NotEqualTo or !=

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id.NotEqualTo(10);

    criteria.ExpressionTree = SearchContentProperty.Id != 10;

  • Support for filtering by additional fields:
    • TaxonomyCategory
    • Tag
    • GoLiveDate
  • You can include search results from external sites.

SQL Database

  • Support for SQL Database Managed Instances

Last updated: Jun 12, 2019