Episerver - update 140

Includes new releases of Episerver CMS, Episerver Amazon, Episerver Azure, and Episerver Find. The CMS release contains three new features; improvements to imports/exports, multi-select in the assets pane and projects are now enabled by default. Episerver Azure has service bus scalability improvements, and Episerver Amazon now supports Amazon Web Services SDK v3. The Episerver Find contains a new feature; possibility to turn on and off decompounding. The update also includes bug fixes for Episerver Commerce, A/B testing, and the GlobalLink add-on.

The update applies to Episerver projects version 7.5 and higher, and contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration. Continuous release updates are cumulative to include previous updates. Episerver supports all platform updates and strongly recommends that you keep ongoing projects up-to-date. You can install the updates from the Episerver NuGet feed.

Main packages
This release information lists updated main package versions for the Episerver platform. When a release is built, other dependent packages also may be bumped to new versions, although they contain no publicly visible changes. This is done to avoid dependency errors. When you upgrade, NuGet alerts you to upgrade related packages to the required versions. For Commerce, it is important to ensure that you are running the same version of CMS and Commerce, both in the front-end and back-end applications.

Updated main packages

Click a package in the list to see work item details.

Episerver CMS Core

New features:

    • CMS-2485Update to AWS SDK v3
    • CMS-4749Send messages on a separate thread
    • CMS-4561Don't block message retrieval when raising incoming message events
    • CMS-4530Use new async APIs in AWSSDK v3

New feature:

    • CMS-4928Service Bus: Scalability improvements

Episerver CMS UI

New features:

    • CMS-1670: Assets pane: Handle multiple assets

      You can drag and drop multiple folders and items within the assets pane, and delete, cut or copy and paste them, either from the context menu or using standard keyboard shortcuts. Any unselected children folders are also moved, copied or deleted.

      You can also drag and drop multiple folders or items from the assets pane to the content area.

    • CMS-5018: Projects enabled by default
      The projects feature is now enabled by default (unless it was explicitly turned off in the admin view). The feature is no longer disabled/enabled in the admin view, but in an app setting, episerver:ui:IsProjectModeEnabled, in the web.config file.

    • CMS-4114: Import/export refinements
      The import and export functionality in the admin view has been improved. Among other things, you can now select only one item to export without exporting its sub items as well. You can also import only one language version of an item. See Johan Björnfot's blog post for more details.

  • EPiServer.Marketing.KPI 1.0.6 (There are no public work items in this release.)
  • EPiServer.Marketing.KPI.Commerce 1.0.6 (There are no public work items in this release.)
  • EPiServer.Marketing.Messaging 1.0.6 (There are no public work items in this release.)
  • EPiServer.Marketing.Testing 1.0.6 (There are no public work items in this release.)

Episerver Find

New feature:

    • FIND-1122: Ability to turn on/off decompounding in Find
      Decompounding can now be turned on and off, see the description in the linked work item.

Third-party add-ons

Important notifications

Related topics

Last updated: Dec 05, 2016