Episerver - update 194

New releases of Episerver Commerce (incl. critical bug fix), add-ons Self-Optimizing Block, Visitor group Criteria, Powerslice, and GlobalLink translations (third-party), and first release of Episerver Insight.

The update applies to Episerver projects version 7.5 and higher, and contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration. Continuous release updates are cumulative to include previous updates. Episerver supports all platform updates and strongly recommends that you keep ongoing projects up-to-date. You can install the updates from the Episerver NuGet feed

Main packages
This release information lists updated main package versions for the Episerver platform. When a release is built, other dependent packages also may be bumped to new versions, although they contain no publicly visible changes. This is done to avoid dependency errors. When you upgrade, NuGet alerts you to upgrade related packages to the required versions. For Commerce, it is important to ensure that you are running the same version of CMS and Commerce, both in the front-end and back-end applications.

Updated main packages

Click a package in the list to see work item details.

Episerver Commerce

  • EPiServer.Commerce 11.6.0
    New features:
    • COM-49: Permission handling available for catalog content; you can now control edit access to individual catalogs and categories from the edit view, in the same way as for CMS.
    • COM-5861: Possibility to opt out of ChangeNotificationManager, to avoid receiving notifications for example when catalogs are imported.
      Add the following to appSettings to disable the event-driven indexing:
      <add key="episerver:DisableCatalogEventDrivenIndexing" value="true" />

Episerver Insight

Episerver add-ons

Third-party add-ons

Important notifications

Related topics

Last updated: Dec 27, 2017