Episerver - update 362

Release summary

New releases of Episerver CMS UI and Episerver Campaign. Bug fixes for Episerver Content Delivery API.

Released items April 13, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Hide preview options for content without a view

When the user interface displays an item that has no view, features that cannot be used will be hidden. Such features are:

  • Preview button
  • On-page compare mode
  • View settings: "Select to view as a visitor group" and "Select to view in a channel or resolution".
EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.0; (Or a related package);
Apr 13, 2021
  Additional Clients cannot be defined

Steps to reproduce:
Pass one more custom clients in when calling UseContentApiIdentityOAuthAuthorization:

app.UseContentApiIdentityOAuthAuthorization <ApplicationUserManager<ApplicationUser>, ApplicationUser>(new ContentApiOAuthOptions
    Clients =  new[] { new ApiClientInfo { AccessControlAllowOrigin = "*", ClientId = "Custom"} }

Make a call to the auth endpoint with the custom ClientId.

Expected result:

The new custom client should be defined.

Actual result:

You get a 400 response:

{ "error": "invalid_client_id", "error_description": "Client 'Custom' is not registered in the system." }

This is because the IdentityAuthorizationServerProvider uses constructor injection to get the ContentApiOAuthOptions. They should be passed in as they are never registered in StructureMap.

EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi 2.19.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 13, 2021

Marketing_32.svgEpiserver Campaign

Episerver Campaign 8.54

  • Template Kit: Background images in mobile newsletter version
    You can now display background images in grouping paragraphs and sidebars in the mobile newsletter version. You can also automatically stretch or crop the image to fill the entire paragraph area.
    See also: Grouping paragraph in the Episerver User Guide
  • REST API: Webhook updates
    The webhook REST API feature has left the beta phase. You can now use the sent event type to create webhooks that are triggered when a mailing is sent. You can also update existing webhooks and verify webhooks whether they are ready to use. Furthermore, you can send the Basic HTTP Authorization header within a webhook request.
    See also: Webhooks in the Episerver User Guide

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Last updated: Apr 13, 2021