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Episerver - update 364

Release summary

New release of Episerver Campaign. Bug fixes for Episerver CMS UI.

Released items April 27, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Page name is not applied to translated page

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new Alloy project.
  2. Update to latest Episerver version.
  3. Start the project, create an account and log into the CMS.
  4. Create a new project in the CMS, for example, Test.
  5. Create a new page in English.
  6. Switch to Svenska.
  7. On the new page, click Translate.
  8. Choose a new name and click Create.
  9. The translated page now contains the old (English) page name.

Expected result:

The translated page should use the new page name.

Actual result:

The new page name is not applied correctly.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 27, 2021
  Edit/Media: Cannot search media file in the Media gadget

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to edit view and open the Media tab in the assets pane.
  2. Search by string "Alloy". 

Expected result: 

Search should work fine in the assets pane.

Actual result:

No results found.

Note: Search works fine in the page tree.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 27, 2021
  Site hangs because of thread deadlock

In CMS UI 11.32.0, ITelemetryProvider was introduced. The internal implementation CmsTelemetryProvider causes sites to hang occasionally.

StructureMap is used to get an instance of the CmsTelemetryProvider. While StructureMap instanciates it, it holds a writer lock, blocking other threads from getting instances from StructureMap's service container. In CmsTelemetryProvider ctor, Parallel.ForEach is used to find and load modules (ThreadA). If any of those modules needs StructureMap to get an instance (ThreadB), they will deadlock with the Parallel.ForEach thread.


EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 27, 2021
  CMS-18021 didn't completely fix the menu

1. Add a menuItem like this.

using EPiServer.Shell.Navigation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;namespace EpiserverFull.Business.Rendering
    public class DropdownMenuProvider : IMenuProvider
        const string DropdownMenuPath = MenuPaths.Global + "/customDropdownMenu";        
        public IEnumerable<MenuItem> GetMenuItems()
            var menuItems = new List<MenuItem>();            
            var userMenu = new DropDownMenuItem("Episerver blogs", DropdownMenuPath)
                SortIndex = SortIndex.Last - 20,
                Alignment = MenuItemAlignment.Right
            menuItems.Add(new UrlMenuItem("CMS", DropdownMenuPath + "/item1",
                SortIndex = 1,
            menuItems.Add(new UrlMenuItem("Commerce", DropdownMenuPath + "/item2",
                SortIndex = 2,
            menuItems.Add(new UrlMenuItem("Find", DropdownMenuPath + "/item3",
                SortIndex = 3,
            return menuItems;

2. Go to edit view to check.

Expected result:

The menu is not broken.

Actual result:

The menu is a little off if you check the images below:

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 27, 2021
  TinyMCE on-page editing rendering problem in Web Forms

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup an Alloy Web Forms site
  2. In edit view, open the Alloy Plan page in on-page edit view.
  3. Edit the MainBody and then click with the mouse outside the overlay. Make sure the overlay becomes inactive before autosaving.

Actual result: 

The text in MainBody is not similar to the edited one.

Expected result:

The MainBody should be correctly rendered.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.1; (Or a related package);
Apr 27, 2021

Marketing_32.svgEpiserver Campaign

Episerver Campaign 8.55

  • REST API: Webhook bounce event
    You can create webhooks of the bounce event type via REST API. The webhook is triggered and sends event data to the specified target URL whenever an email fails to reach a recipient's server or mailbox.
    See also: Webhooks in the Episerver User Guide

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Last updated: Apr 27, 2021