Episerver - update 368

Release summary

New release of the Acoustic (formerly Watson Marketing, formerly Silverpop) Marketing Automation connector. Bug fix for Episerver CMS UI.

Released items May 25, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Menu should handle queryString parameters

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open edit view.
  2. Click on Visitor Groups in the top menu.
  3. Add an additional queryString parameter to the CMS URL, for example: http://my-alloy-site.com/EPiServer/Cms/VisitorGroups?aaa=bbb.


Expected result:

The Visitor Groups menu item is still selected.

Actual result:

The Edit menu item is selected instead.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.35.2; (Or a related package);
May 25, 2021
  Acoustic (Silverpop) - Add fields to configure filters on how the databases and lists should be fetched.

Fields were added to the Silverpop Connector setting screen:

  • Include all lists. Enable to include all contact lists.
    Note: If enabled, Database Folder Id does not appear. If disabled, and no Database Folder Id is specified, lists are obtained from the top-level folders only, and not any subfolders.
  • Database folder Id. If specified, lists are obtained from this folder only.
EPiServer.MarketingAutomationIntegration.Silverpop 4.4.0; (Or a related package);
May 25, 2021

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    Last updated: May 25, 2021