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Optimizely - update 506


Release notes moved to a new location. As of May 15th, 2024, the release notes on the World site no longer receive updates. See Release notes by product on the Optimizely Support site.

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Release summary

New releases for Optimizely Commerce, Optimizely Content Delivery API, and Optimizely Graph.

Released items April 16, 2024

Area ID Type Description Released
  Last order date in Organization details is always empty

Fixed an issue in Contacts where Last Order Date displayed as Invalid DateLast Order Date also did not update when a customer completed an order.

EPiServer.Commerce 14.20.0; (Or a related package);
Apr 16, 2024
  CD.Search endpoint does not invalidate the output cache correctly in DXP

Fixed an issue where stale data was cached. Now, cached data is more relevant.

EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi 3.11.0; (Or a related package);
Apr 16, 2024
  Inconsistency when create old and new ContentReferenceList

Fixed an issue where when you created a ContentReferenceBlock with old and new ContentReferenceList items, an inconsistent behavior occurred.

EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi 3.11.0; (Or a related package);
Apr 16, 2024

Optimizely Graph

  • CG-6873 – Prevent field collision

    Added the ability to prevent field collisions by updating the appSettings.json in CMS.

  • CG-6733 – Make it possible to send "DateTime" for DateTime objects in content types json

    GraphQL implemented support for DateTime objects in JSON content type. Configure this in startup.

  • CG-7328 – Have _link support out of the box in CMS

    Added the ability to implement the interface IGraphLink and register the type in startup.cs.

  • CG-5688 – Property Attribute in nuget package, for selecting if / how a property will be synched

    Added the ability to add an attribute on content type properties in C# to select if and how each property should synchronize with Optimizely Graph.

  • CG-7048 – Can not query Name inside Inline Fragment

    Fixed a bug where you could not query a name inside inline fragments.

  • CG-5628 – Support snippets on values for searchable string fields

    Added support for the creation of snippets for values for searchable string fields. A snippet is a short text fragment comprising the words you have searched for.

  • CG-5829 – Sort by _modified field

    Added the ability to sort by the _modified field, so you can sort content by the datetime of modification by the system.

  • CG-5921 – Allow setting minimum score of items that OG should retrieve

    Released the ability to set the minimum score for the returned search results so that you can limit the number of irrelevant results

  • CG-7260 – Sorting sometimes fails on number fields

    Updated the sorting query to be more robust, so it can sort correctly, even when the type is incorrectly mapped to the index schema.

  • CG-7424 – The "contains" and "match" operators return incorrect data when dealing with text that contains tone-marks
    Fixed an issue where the "contains" and "match" operators return incorrect data when handling text that contains tone marks.

Related topics

Last updated: Apr 16, 2024