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Class PageVersion

Handles loading and listing of page versions

Namespace: EPiServer.DataAbstraction
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 11.20.7
[Obsolete("Use ContentVersion")]
public class PageVersion : ContentVersion, IReadOnly


PageVersion(PageReference, String, VersionStatus, DateTime, String, String, Int32)

Initializes a new instance of the PageVersion class.

public PageVersion(PageReference pageID, string name, VersionStatus workStatus, DateTime saved, string savedBy, string statusChangedBy, int masterVersionID)
Type Name Description
PageReference pageID

The page ID.

System.String name

The name of the version

VersionStatus workStatus

The status of the version

System.DateTime saved

The time the version was saved.

System.String savedBy

The person who saved the version

System.String statusChangedBy

The person who changed the page

System.Int32 masterVersionID

The master version ID for the page

PageVersion(PageReference, String, VersionStatus, DateTime, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the PageVersion class.

public PageVersion(PageReference pageID, string name, VersionStatus workStatus, DateTime saved, string savedBy, string statusChangedBy, int masterVersionID, string languageBranch, bool isMasterLanguageBranch)
Type Name Description
PageReference pageID

The page ID.

System.String name

The name of the version

VersionStatus workStatus

The status of the version

System.DateTime saved

The time the version was saved.

System.String savedBy

The person who saved the version

System.String statusChangedBy

The person who changed the page

System.Int32 masterVersionID

The master version ID for the page

System.String languageBranch

The language branch for the version

System.Boolean isMasterLanguageBranch

if set to true [is master language branch].

PageVersion(PageReference, String, VersionStatus, DateTime, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the PageVersion class.

public PageVersion(PageReference pageID, string name, VersionStatus workStatus, DateTime saved, string savedBy, string statusChangedBy, int masterVersionID, string languageBranch, bool isMasterLanguageBranch, bool commonDraft)
Type Name Description
PageReference pageID

The page ID.

System.String name

The name.

VersionStatus workStatus

The work status.

System.DateTime saved

The saved.

System.String savedBy

The saved by.

System.String statusChangedBy

The status changed by.

System.Int32 masterVersionID

The master version ID.

System.String languageBranch

The language branch.

System.Boolean isMasterLanguageBranch

if set to true [is master language branch].

System.Boolean commonDraft

if set to true [common draft].


Extension Methods