Laurens Huizer

Laurens Huizer

 Alias: Laurens Huizer
 Company: Valtech Nederland
 Location: Netherlands
 About me: Worked with EPiServer CMS since 2013 "Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming" -Brian W. Kernighan

CRP Information

Level: Novice
Total contribution points: 14 (gain 36 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 19, 2015

When you use MVC and you use Html.RenderAction within your view, you cannot use the 'Alloy' logic to programmatically add, update or remove pages...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 15, 2015

Since users would like to test on the acceptance environment with the same content and setup as production, and we would like to fix issues on our...