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EPiServer 7.5 – update 8

This update is applicable to EPiServer 7.5 projects containing finalized work items as listed below, and is available in the EPiServer NuGet feed for installation. All updates are cumulative meaning that the latest update always include previous updates. All platform updates are supported and we strongly recommend that ongoing projects are kept up to date.

Updating using EPiServer NuGet feeds

  • In Extension Manager in VS, install NuGet Package Manager (if not already done).
  • Add "" as EPiServer NuGet source in Visual Studio.
  • Open your project/solution in Visual Studio.
  • Right-click on References and select Manage NuGet Packages.
  • Select EPiServer and install the desired EPiServer NuGet packages* as listed below.
  • Build your project.

Note that updates in the EPiServer.CommerceManager package should be applied to the Commerce Manager back-end site project, not the front-end website. Refer to Installing EPiServer updates for more information.

Changes included in this update


Starting from previous update 6, EPiServer CMS UI components have been converted to a standard NuGet package, and can be installed from the EPiServer NuGet feed. 

The location of packages have changed and might affect you who is going from the first update to the latest update, refer to Changes to location of package contents when upgrading.

Optional step after installing EPiServer.Packaging.UI: To unify the location of installed add-ons, you can use a cmdlet to move installed add-ons from the appData folder to the modules/_protected folder inside the web application. See the ReadMe file when installing EPiServer.Packaging.UI.

ID Type Title Package Version
111656 Feature Move EPiServer.Package to the developer NuGet feed EPiServer.Packaging.UI 3.1.0
112734 Bug Missing resources in the legacy TinyMCE package EPiServer.CMS.UI 7.6.2
109014 Bug Global asset folder name is displayed as "For This Site" EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core 7.6.2
111647 Bug Category editor does not support translated labels EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core 7.6.2


Starting from this update, the EPiServer Commerce UI components have been converted to a standard NuGet package, and can be installed from the EPiServer NuGet feed.

To install the EPiServer.CMS.UI package on your website, follow the instructions Installing EPiServer updates. Use Install-Package EPiServer.Commerce.UI -Version 7.6.0 for the main UI Component and Install-Package EPiServer.Commerce.UI.ManagerIntegration -Version 7.6.0 for the Commerce Manager integration.

For more technical details, see Changes to location of package contents when upgrading.

ID Type Area Title Package Version
112102 Feature \Commerce Commerce starter NuGet package EPiServer.Commerce 7.6.0
111654 Feature \Commerce Commerce Addons UI as a NuGet package EPiServer.Commerce.UI 7.6.0
112332 Feature \Commerce Commerce Addons Manager as a NuGet package EPiServer.Commerce.UI.
95557 Feature \Commerce\Admin UI Catalog: Show thumbnails for Product Lists and Asset Manager EPiServer.Commerce 7.6.0
112663 Bug Commerce\eCommerce Framework\Commerce Manager Pricing tab: Price list pagination doesn't work EPiServer.Commerce.
112670 Bug \Commerce\CMS Integration CatalogContent.DefaultCurrency report the display name of the currency instead of the code EPiServer.Commerce.
111895 Bug \Commerce\eCommerce Framework StorageCollectionBase Clear() and RemoveAt() does not work as intended EPiServer.Commerce.
112263 Bug \Commerce\Admin UI WarehouseRepositoryDatabase caches warehouse information cache may not be cleared EPiServer.Commerce.UI 7.60


ID Type Area Title Package Version
112527 Feature \CMS\Core Make EPiServer.Search into a NuGet package that can be added to a project to enable search EPiServer.Search 7.6.0
112831 Bug \CMS\Core Configuration transforms are not run when upgrading from 7.5 to 7.6 EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.6.1

Related information


Mar 10, 2014 02:52 PM

Just upgraded and one interesting thing is that the developer licens for 7.5 have reached its maximum version
I am now getting
"Current version is newer than required version 7.5.9999"

Mar 11, 2014 02:23 PM

Hi Daniel,

If this happens you can request a new license file from the Newly generated license files allows a wider version range.

Arve Systad
Arve Systad Mar 11, 2014 03:46 PM

In a commerce project, when updating to EPiServer.CommonFramework 7.5.446.2 (which is pulled down when updating Episerver.CMS.Core to 7.6.1) I get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: virtualPath" when trying to load the commerce manager.

I've included the commerce manager as a separate project in the .sln to be able to update its references with NuGet - and a lot of them do indeed work - but when the CommonFramework is updated, this error appears. I see no diff on the config files or anything, so I kindof assume the updated DLLs require stuff that was not already there. Any thoughts on this?

The CMS part of it all runs smooth.

Mar 12, 2014 09:19 AM

Is there a client debug package for the edit ui available?
There is one in the add-on store (named "EPiServer Edit UI - Client side debug support 3.0.1097") for the add-on module, but now when the cms ui is delivered as a nuget package i cannot find any equivalent package.

Mikael Nyström
Mikael Nyström Mar 12, 2014 11:18 AM

When trying to install EPiServer.Core from NuGet I get an error message saying "Updating EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.5.1002.0 to 7.6.1 failed! Unable to find versions of EPiServer.CMO, EPiServer.LiveMonitor and EPiServer.CMS.UI that are compatible with cms.core 7.6.1.".

Are these versions expected to be released anytime soon?

Also, is the fix ( for Find included in the available NuGet package for Find?

Magnus Rahl
Magnus Rahl Mar 12, 2014 12:10 PM

@Arve Systad, can you verify that the web.config on your commerce manager site has a section with root paths set for both public and protected modules, something like this:

Mar 12, 2014 01:13 PM

@Arve: Bug reported and development team is on it.
@Dan: Client side debugging is being worked currently. The plan is to have it included in an update shortly.

Mar 14, 2014 05:49 PM

@Arve, this was a bug in the cms core package and fix is included in EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.6.2 that is available as of today.

Erik Jonsson
Erik Jonsson Mar 19, 2014 01:23 PM

After installation of Episerver.CMS.UI (7.6.3) i'm unable to login into the CMS in the updated episerver web project. I get an 404 when trying to access /Util/login.aspx. I have noticed that the util/login.aspx page is now located in the modules/_protected folder and has been deleted from the app_data folder. Somehow the CMS still looks for the login page in the old location. But i'm not sure howto correct the issue. Any ideas?

Daniel Sandberg
Daniel Sandberg Jun 2, 2015 11:05 AM

How did you solve that Erik Jonsson?

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