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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 16, 2009

      Since EPiServer support the MetaWeblog APi, we can use any blog tools that support MetaWeblog APi to manage our blog. We use Windows Live Writer on windows and now there is an IPhone application “iBlogger” that can do the same thing. Just like...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 16, 2009

    Mobile Blogging from here . Above is CEO position [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 16, 2009

    You can use iblogger to write blog on iPhone to [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 16, 2009

    I want to take the opportunity to post a promotion for the upcoming EPiServer Day 2009 , which will take place on the 10th and 11th of March. It will be two days with loads of presentations, seminars, debates and mingling with EPiServer and our...

  • Posted on: Feb 15, 2009
    Rating: CMS EPiServer Polopoly Drupal Spiro Kommunikation är 1 av 14 Silverstripe Certified Partner 12/30/2010 Visst finns det redan Silverstripe open source fokuserade konsulter i Sverige. Den lilla hype bolaget haft i USA under… WebTranslateIt....

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 13, 2009

    When installing the standalone version of EPiServer Community , or actually when installing any version of EPiServer Community on a IIS 7 there is a small glitch in the Web.config that is installed. But the glitch will only be a problem in the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 12, 2009

    I was recently in a discussion where the topic of unpublishing pages in EPiServer came up. Fredrik Haglund mentioned that some customers want to have an “ Unpublish ” button, and I agree. Some clients are fine with setting the Stop Publish...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 11, 2009

    If you are creating modules for EPiServer CMS and been adopting your module for R2 SP1 you have probably noticed that there has been a few changes in terms of  deployment in the latest release. Moved PowerShell CmdLets The most significant change ...