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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 14, 2008

    The new installer shows great promise, but as usual - new things need new adjustments. First; a big hands up to the brave souls in the EPiServer development team diving into the deep end and making a new installer. It is not just an installer, it...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 13, 2008

    I was deploying a new CMS 5 R1 (SP? ) site today, to a server without EPiServer Manager, brand new . NET Framework 3.5 installation and generally nothing set up as it should. Having copied, configured, tuned and tweaked security and settings the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 13, 2008

    EPiServer Customer and Partner Day in London is coming up this week and you are welcome to drop by our exhibitor stand. Product manager Martin Stenke and system specialist Fredrik Karlsson will be there to answer your questions and demonstrate X3,...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 13, 2008

    These strategies applies to EPiServer CMS 5 R2, the setting httpCacheability does not exist in R1. Page caching in CMS is enabled by setting httpCacheExpiration in web. config, but remember that this setting has no effect on logged in users. #1...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 13, 2008

    These strategies applies to EPiServer CMS 5 R2, but all settings will work in R1 even though option 3 won’t get you the extra performance boost over option 2. Remember that you can have different settings for different folders if you like. #1...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 11, 2008

    If you’ve read Fredrik's recent blog postings, or checked the folder of a newly installed R2 site, you might have noticed that the list of folders has shrunk. “Private” files, or system files, belonging to EPiServer has been moved out of the web...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 11, 2008

    I was investigating some other issue in R2 and was looking at the output in Fiddler. Much to my surprise, all the requests had caching set to private, and even though resources are cached (they will return a 304 not modified header) it still...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 10, 2008

    So far, Aegon have launched more than 10 websites developed with X3 -, and just to mention a few. Two more sites and an intranet is currently under construction...