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  • Posted on: Mar 31, 2008

    ...has its good points, its great points and its not-so-great points! I've recently been very involved in the migration of content from the "old" EPiServer Knowledge Center to the "new" EPiServer World. And I'd be lying if I said that working with...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 28, 2008

    I have been working a lot with migration and mirroring lately using EPiServer’s functions for export and import of data. My EPiServer Wish list Show call stack when exceptions halt export or import jobs Show PageID and Property related to errors a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 28, 2008

    As the newly elected chairman of the EMVP (EPiServer Most Valued Professionals) board, I am happy to announce the first group of EMVPs among all the great EPiServer developers out there. We have monitored the EPiServer blogosphere and the develope...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 28, 2008

    As the newly elected chairman of the EMVP (EPiServer Most Valued Professionals) board, I am happy to announce the first group of EMVPs among all the great EPiServer developers out there. We have monitored the EPiServer blogosphere and the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 28, 2008
  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 27, 2008

    Have you been annoyed by the exception “License violation! License is already in use at another online site” when you switch from one web site to another on you developer machine? I have and the reason is of course that I use my developer license...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 26, 2008

    Consider this SQL Server query that is part of EPiServer CMS 5:SELECT tblPageLanguage. fkPageID, tblLanguageBranch. LanguageID as LanguageBranch FROM tblPage JOIN tblPageLanguage ON tblPage. pkID=tblPageLanguage. fkPageID LEFT...

  • Posted on: Mar 26, 2008

    What is a community? The term "community" has been around for a long time, only in the latest years has it been associated with the internet. A community in it's widest definition is a group of people sharing a common interest, cooperating to shar...