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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 23, 2020

    I suppose all of you know the importance of not storing secrets for connections to databaes, APIs, identity providers etc. in the repositories alongiside with the code. There are many ways to keep them away from the source code in .NET Core and in...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 23, 2020

    One of the most important pieces of EPiserver for content editing is the support for rich text. EPiserver integrates with one of the most popular and well known rich text editors for web browsers - TinyMCE. Out of the box TinyMCE is packed with...

  • Posted on: Nov 22, 2020

    In the ' Navigate the content tree like a pro with the GetAncestorOrSelf function ' article, we started discussing about how important it is to be able to navigate a content tree and the importance of performance. With the new set of functions, we...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 20, 2020

    By default, the Episerver PropertyList shows ContentReferences (including images) and Urls as IDs and permanent URLs. This post is about the Enhanced PropertyList which improves the editor experience by show content names and image previews.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 20, 2020

    While developing new features in Episerver CMS, it can be incredibly useful to have a local copy of the production content.  Here are the steps required for extracting content from Episerver’s DXP platform and restoring it into your local...

  • Posted on: Nov 19, 2020

    In this blog post, I like to introduce you to Episerver Campaign's latest Application Programming Interface (API) following the modern architectural style of Representational State Transfer (REST). I will show you its advantages over our tradition...

  • Posted on: Nov 17, 2020

    Documentation section  stays for a long time on World, and a new Swagger UI panel has been implemented (available soon), for better usage a long with old Swagger UI pages : Swagger.IO provided developer with source code and detailed documentation ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 13, 2020

    In modern day CMS systems we rarely create pages that have fixed layouts with zero flexibility.  Often times we give the marketing team the power to define experiences by placing a number of configurable components on the page in the layout that...