November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
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Currently, the User notification and Tasks (Awaiting Review) are disconnected and provide very basic information to the editors. The idea behind this project is two-fold. The first purpose is to build a more versatile Content Approval Sequence...
Have you encountered the situation with your Episerver solution that your attribute based Web API starts throwing “The object has not yet been initialized. Ensure that HttpConfiguration.EnsureInitialized() is called in the application’s startup co...
Often when working on Episerver Commerce projects, I have found that remote events did not flow properly between the Commerce Manager and CMS sites, when developing on localhost. Most importantly this means that caching do not synchronize at all. ...
Powerslice might have a few years on it's back, but it's still a great editorial tool, when you are working with large amounts of content and have access to Episerver Find. Here's an example of a recent slice I made that let's editors easily...
Surely you've heard of accessibility -- be it the WCAG or Section 508 variety -- right? If not, I would like to recommend a post on this blog from our Design Director, Dennis Kardys . It's an important read for anyone involved in web design, wheth...
We're starting a new Episerver Meetup group in Milwaukee, with our first event in two weeks on the evening of Wednesday, January 22. If you're in the area, we'd love to see you there. (Here's the meetup page for RSVPs and location ) Networking and...
Last week I come across a requirement to get Episerver commerce list of customers based on filtered criteria such a get customers based on the validity of a certain field. As we all know Episerver store customer data in Business Foundation class...