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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 03, 2018

    For a client’s website there was a need to implement EPiServer‘s output cache with different expire times not based on PageType, but rather page instance. After weighing pros and cons we decided on a solution with a number of ContentArea propertie...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2018

    You will learn how to localize your React components form the server-side using DbLocalizationProvider package.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2018

    This is (a very long due) part two of a collaboration between EMVP Khurram Khan and me on integrating EPiServer with Microsoft Azure Logic Apps. If you haven't read part 1 I really recommend to check out part 1 (by Khurram) first to find out what...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2018

    This is (a very long due) part two of a collaboration between EMVP Khurram Khan and me on integrating EPiServer with Microsoft Azure Logic Apps. If you haven't read part 1 I really recommend to check out part 1 (by Khurram) first to find out what...

  • Posted on: Jun 01, 2018

    In EPiServer.CMS.Core.11.8.0 we released a feature (that is somewhat related to GDPR) which is the ability to turn of Visitor Group Personalization for all/some requests. We have not changed the default behavior which is that Visitor Group...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 31, 2018

    In Part I we explained how to use Metadata Plus using class inheritance and we also defined an XML file which will allow us to do the same using another Commerce API which is more flexible. So in this part… Continue reading →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 31, 2018

    Episerver has made the Market property on IOrderGroup obsolete. If you are using it, you will see this warning message: 'IOrderGroup.Market' is obsolete: 'This property is no longer used. Use IMarketService to get the market from MarketId instead....

  • Posted on: May 30, 2018

    This post is intended for developers and is mostly code examples. How to use visitor groups to control access to content is well documented here at episerver world: It...