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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 01, 2017

    In this post, I will cover how I was able to programmatically migrate content from a non-Epi CMS to an empty Episerver website. The trick is to generate a JSON file of all your web content from the previous CMS and programmatically push these to...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 30, 2017

    I took a Web Forms page from the Valdis' LocalizationProvider project as a base for my Razor layout but simplified it. @using EPiServer.Framework.Web.Resources @using EPiServer.Shell @using EPiServer.Shell.Navigation @ViewBag.Title @Html.Raw(Clien...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 28, 2017

    Release shipment job (known as Shipment Releasing) help managing order easier. By default, this job wasn’t actived and weknow that Episerver could set it execute automatically in a specific time. Using this job, our order shipments will be release...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 28, 2017

    Release shipment job (known as Shipment Releasing) help managing order easier. By default, this job wasn’t actived and weknow that Episerver could set it execute automatically in a specific time. Using this job, our order shipments will be release...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2017

    If you are using Episerver Social on your site, it’s possible to “personalize” search results for a logged in user. Or more accurately, boost e.g. contenttypes or categories of content the user has rated. It’s possible to get a list of content the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2017

    Blog post about latest updates for database localization provider project. Release mainly focuses on foreign affairs - foreign, hidden and referenced resources. Read further for more info.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2017

    This is blog post about latest updates for database localization provider Release mainly focuses on foreign affairs - foreign, hidden and referenced resources. Read further for more info.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2017

    This is blog post about latest updates for database localization provider Release mainly focuses on foreign affairs - foreign, hidden and referenced resources. Read further for more info.