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  • Posted on: Nov 14, 2016

    Overriding how sale prices are calculated in Episerver’s promotion engine for SKUs and packages outside of the cart requires a minor customization. Good examples of where this applies are category landing page and product detail pages where you ma...

  • Posted on: Nov 14, 2016

    Hello, I'm a new in Episerver. It would be appreciate if you guys could give me a tips how to custom Date format. In my current article page show as Updated 14/11/2016. But I would like to change the format to show as Updated 2016-11-14. Any idea? 

  • Posted on: Nov 14, 2016

    This feature was released as a Beta feature in CMS 10.1.0 and is still under development. You can read more about how you enable Beta features in Fredrik Tjärnbergs blog post. What are Content Approvals? Content approvals is a way to make sure tha...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 13, 2016

    With the new EPiServer Social Platform you can allow your visitors to “generate” content on your site. Of course you will need to moderate the content, with all the trolling and spamming these days. To save your moderator some work, you could...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 13, 2016

    I’ve been told IContentRepository.GetItems is heaps better. And when I asked  people why? They told me it is built DB load. Just want to clarify this. You pass a list of ContentReference (IEnumerable ) and it loads all IContent for each item. This...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 12, 2016

    Many companies set up their own, internal package feeds these days, in addition to all the public ones out there. To create awesome packages, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 10, 2016

    Here is a short example of how to properly setup AutoMapper 5.1 in EpiServer CMS 9 with dependency injection. Configuration Start by installing nuget package AutoMapper. Create a class “AutoMapperConfig” in the “Infrastructure”-folder. (Where Conf...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 09, 2016

    We look at how Episerver combines SaaS, PaaS, and on-prem hosting to create the most comprehensive digital platform on the market.