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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 23, 2016

    And the POC and learning continues. I did not like hiding the WebForms form, and it turns out that’s not necessary. You can include the Form controls in \Views\Shared\ElementBlocks. In the FormContainerBlock.ascx I replaced the form tag with a div...

  • Posted on: Aug 23, 2016

    This will be a small blog post about an error you might encounter when creating custom properties with EditorDescriptors. I just got a weird error on one of my sites. StringList (the custom property in Alloy project) just stopped working in edit...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 23, 2016

    Are you like thousands of others still wasting time searching for images for your communication whether it’s for your website or printed material? Are your colleagues asking you to find the files for them and thereby disturbing your main focus? Ar...

  • Posted on: Aug 22, 2016

    One of the things that makes search challenging (and really interesting) is language handling. Often, spoken languages differ from what a programmer is familiar with, since the rules are more comparable to a never-ending set of exceptions than...

  • Posted on: Aug 22, 2016

    As part of the continuous effort to operate optimally in the cloud, we have done multiple things to adapt the Episerver platform. In Episerver Find 12.1.0, we changed a fundamental part of indexing to better work in a cloud environment, where...

  • Posted on: Aug 19, 2016

    Hello, Can anyone help me to find the pagination in Episerver. Actually i dont want the pagination but it reflects on the website.

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2016

    There are instances when Editors should to be informed in form of warning and information rather to stop them and display error messages. For self note IValidate interface can be used for this purpose. e.g public class StandardPageValidator :...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 18, 2016

    The POC continues. As you may have noticed the solution I wrote about yesterday only worked sever side, no client side validation e.g. This can be fixed as well. First I added another method to my util class, to get the fake ControllerContext and...