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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 07, 2016

    In one of our projects we have few hundreds pages managed by about thirty editors. They have access rights to all pages across the system and we don’t want to limit them. The number of content items is large, but each editor is responsible for...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 07, 2016

    Coming from WebForms development I was a bit annoyed with the inconsistent behavior of the PropertyFor() Html Helper. In WebForms properties are always wrapped with an element, but in MVC this is only true in edit mode. Please see Joel’s excelent...

  • Posted on: Jan 07, 2016

    An “Automatic landing page” is content (for example an page type instance) which renders differently depending on user input. A form of personalized content-type. A google hit can, for example, point to an automatic landing page, which shows conte...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 06, 2016

    When working with the new Episerver Forms its possible to build out custom forms elements that can be used just like the built in form elements (by simply dragging and dropping them onto the form area). Maris Krivtezs has already written about...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 06, 2016

    When working with the new Episerver Forms its possible to build out custom forms elements that can be used just like the built in form elements (by simply dragging and dropping them onto the form area). Maris Krivtezs has already written about...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 05, 2016

    I’m really glad that Episerver is replacitng their Forms creation tool “XForms” and started to like Episerver Forms. Especially when it comes to a few highlights: Forms and the form fields are Content Types. You can create custom markup for your...

  • Posted on: Jan 04, 2016

    Webhooks are "user-defined HTTP callbacks". They are usually triggered by some event, such as pushing code to a repository or a comment being posted to a blog. When that event occurs, the source site makes an HTTP request to the URI configured for...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 31, 2015

    Cross-posting an article I've written for my company Zone's Medium blog. I've written about techniques for using strongly typed view models with Umbraco here before - in this article I recap some of that and extend the discussion to EPiServer CMS...