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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 08, 2015

    EPiServer supports MS Owin to some extent. This is an attempt to shorten the time needed to integrate Owin to EPiServer for others implementing it and to improve the integration.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 08, 2015

    To begin with, I have added a showcase project using Google authentication. To use the project the moment it's downloaded, you'll need to get yourself a Google ID and secret (and add those to appSettings.config file). For that to work, you'll need...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2015

    For one of our great customers we needed to make site out of just only few pages and lots of blocks. It reminds sort of single page application, just there is no client-side behavior as original SPA projects have. Anyway, in the middle of the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2015

    For one of our great customers we needed to make site out of just only few pages and lots of blocks. It reminds sort of single page application, just there is no client-side behavior as original SPA projects have. Anyway, in the middle of the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 06, 2015

    Probably in every EPiServer project there will be a need to store a list of links to your content pages. EPiServer.CMS.UI 8.6.0 introduced a new multiple ContentReference property. Usually we could use a single property to store a collection of...

  • Posted on: Sep 04, 2015

    EPiServer Find provides a powerful and flexible tool for building innovative enterprise search solutions. Here is how I built an advanced search page using EPiServer Find with great help from the EPiServer community. Read the full blog post on our...

  • Posted on: Sep 04, 2015

    EPiServer Find’s MultiSearch is great, but has a couple of limitations: All searches need to have a common return type, and IContent searches has to be projected to avoid deserialization errors.  EPiCode.DynamicMultiSearch removes these limitation...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 04, 2015

    EPiServer Commerce has substantial processes which rely on workflows. In many scenarios, like on a simple consumer website, you may get away without modifying or configuring these workflows beyond their defaults. But on my current project I needed...