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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 04, 2015

    I had a problem to understand this for a long long time! You can’t believe how hard is it when you don’t understand the principle and try to adapt it! Mission impossible! Recently I spent some time again to read more about OOP principles and first...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 03, 2015

    I have previously blogged about Useful EPiServer Dojo links that contains a useful list of Dojo examples in for EPiServer. Recently I have noticed a lot of new posts talking about Dojo in EPiServer and how it can be used to make modifications to t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 03, 2015

    I have previously blogged about Useful EPiServer Dojo links that contains a useful list of Dojo examples in for EPiServer. Recently I have noticed a lot of new posts talking about Dojo in EPiServer and how it can be used to make modifications to t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 03, 2015

    I recently started to think about what is really OOP. I thought it is a tool to model real word stuff! But this is what all programming is about! So rephrase it: OOP help you to model real word EASIER! But it is that correct? I don’t think that is...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2015

    We share some examples of how to take a company's broader objectives and convert them into realistic, measurable goals that will determine the success of a web project.

  • Posted on: Jun 02, 2015

    The best part of hosting EPiDev shows is the questions we get from viewers - either live via Twitter during the event, using the #EPiDev hashtag, or in between shows via email. For this show, I reached out to several Ektron customers who are eithe...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2015

    - I want something simple, something like Google!

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 02, 2015

    Scratching behind Dojo’s ears There are some excellent blog posts about EPiServer’s implementation of Dojo Dijits, most of which have been collected on David Knipe’s equally excellent blog. I’ve been