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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 27, 2015

    Update As of EPiServer Commerce 8.15 Price events are now available in the core product. More information: A new version of PriceEvents has been...

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2015

    Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you’ve been wondering if your index content is correct, updated or there at all? I have. Often. So, to save me from having to go to the Find Explore view and search for the content, I created...

  • Posted on: Feb 27, 2015

    After running in to the same problem over and over I though I would make this post to remind myself and to share with others. WebDeploy is easy as long as you can get the Web Platform Installer and then just follow the steps in this guide . But...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 27, 2015

    A sitemap.xml file is a useful tool for helping search engines to find relevant pages on your website. This sitemap generator engine for EPiServer is based on loose strategies supporting globalized multilingual content; in other words,...

  • Posted on: Feb 26, 2015

    Been a while since I blogged but a new addition to the family has taken most of my previous extra code time. But enough with the excuses. I have made some minor updates to my XML resources tool. Color coding properties that are not translated. If...

  • Posted on: Feb 26, 2015

    In result of an upgrade to EPiServer Commerce 8.7.1, We were having an issue On Adding Media Item for a product/variant from Online Centre - Catalog UI. Details of exception can be found at the end of article. If you are not ready to upgrade to...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 26, 2015

    Sometimes you want to know if a certain content is used somewhere on the website, in my case I wanted to get the language from the page where a certain PDF was used to decide if it should be presented in the search result for that specific languag...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 25, 2015

    EPiServer has just released version 8.0 of their popular CMS/WCM system. What is new for editors? How hard is it to upgrade from 7.x? Let's take a look.