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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 18, 2014

    EPiServer initialization modules is a great feature to provide plugin facilities for the hosting application. I find initialization modules pretty handful in cases when you need to initialize some library, configure some stuff or do whatever neede...

  • Posted on: Aug 15, 2014

    TL;DR To run your site with uncompressed JavaScript in edit mode add to your web.config inside the episerver.framework element.   JavaScript Debug Files Explained A while back I posted a blog about using uncompressed JavaScript files for debugging...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 14, 2014

    Learn how EPiServer Find provides powerful search capabilities for your site's users.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 14, 2014

    EPiServer's UI has always been open to modification, however EPiServer 7 onward introduced a paradigm shift in the UI as the editing interface is now a single page application built with Dojo . If you don't already know Dojo then there is a little...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 14, 2014

    EPiServer's UI has always been open to modification, however EPiServer 7 onward introduced a paradigm shift in the UI as the editing interface is now a single page application built with Dojo . If you don't already know Dojo then there is a little...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 14, 2014

    EPiServer's UI has always been open to modification, however EPiServer 7 onward introduced a paradigm shift in the UI as the editing interface is now a single page application built with Dojo . If you don't already know Dojo then there is a little...

  • Posted on: Aug 14, 2014

    Just before summer we updated our site to EPiServer 7.5 and right now it is hosted on local IIS with standard SQL server on virtual server in Windows Azure. This is good but of course we want it to be an Azure Website and from version 7.5 this is...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 13, 2014

    Originally posted at As any of my developer brethren will tell you, I’m a big proponent of Ektron’s Smart Forms. In our world, they’re a great way to structure content, to mak...