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  • Posted on: Sep 05, 2013

    Sometimes it can be quite hard for editors to know which property they should edit or even which property they are currently editing. Especially when they’ve just created a page and are presented with a column of empty blue squares that represent...

  • Posted on: Sep 05, 2013

    Have you ever got a customer requirement saying the want a document with all the page types and their properties for a manual or something? I guess that it’s fairly common. Doing this in a word document is tedious and will be out of date almost...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 03, 2013

    Just for personal reference when “Add to Favorites” was not working in CMS 6. I came across bug report from the customer that “Favorites” in CMS is not working anymore. Report claimed that page is added to Favorites tab while you are logged in, bu...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 02, 2013

    This post is part of a series of post where I try to implement an in memory IContentRepository. The tests for this posts are found here and here. This post will look at the last members of the IContentLoader interface for a while, namely...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 30, 2013

    Provided with all materials about Attaching to global event EpiServer, I would build (and I did couple times) code like this: This approach has one big problem – you deal with page far away from where it’s defined, you do … Czytaj dalej →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 29, 2013

    This post is part of a series of post where I try to implement an in memory IContentRepository. The tests for this posts are found here. In this post we’ll continue to look at another member of the IContentLoader interface, namely the GetChildren...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 27, 2013

    Fast example how to make ContentArea rendered as unordered list from blocks in EpiServer 7 MVC. Starting markup: That is very easy to achieve using CustomTag, CssClass, ChildrenCustomTagName, ChildrenCssClass: Block markup: Like you can guess,...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 27, 2013

    This post is part of a series of post where I try to implement an in memory IContentRepository. The tests for this posts are found here. When getting a page we’re using the IContentLoader interface. In this post we’ll focus in the most simple case...