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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 14, 2013

    It seems I’m not the only developer with only theoretical knowledge about Mirroring 2.0. Yes, I’ve read for the EPiServer Certified Developer exam, but I must admit I’ve never actually tried to set up Mirroring 2.0 before. Struggling with getting...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 13, 2013

    From BlockData and ContentData, implemented by blocks when used as properties as well: IContentData IInitializableContent IModifiedTrackable IReadOnly IReadOnly From ContentMixin, shared blocks only: IContent IChangeTrackable IExportable...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 10, 2013

    In a recent intranet-project, we had set up EPiServer webDAV support against one of the filesystems, so that the customer could easily move a lot of documents from an old solution into a new EPiServer site. Most of the resources were folder-struct...

  • Posted on: Jan 09, 2013

    EPiServer 7 CMS provides full support for creating templates with MVC using the Razor and Web Forms view engines.  This is a step by step how-to guide to help you get started creating EPiServer Page Templates and Block Templates using MVC with the...

  • Posted on: Jan 08, 2013

    Sometimes one would like to enable users to upload files in a Xform. Based on my blog post about extending xforms , I have added an upload function. I check if an textbox have a css class called FileUpload. If it has it will replace that textbox...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 08, 2013

    Come and learn how to do content retrieval and great free text search using EPiServer Find. I occasionally work as a technical trainer for EPiServer Training. I enjoy that as I get to meet people from different companies as well as people from...

  • Posted on: Jan 07, 2013

    The Full-Text EPiServer 7 Search is a very simple but effective search solution and it should cover the needs of any basic search. The base is built upon the Lucene indexer. This post will cover the basics of building a simple search page in...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 07, 2013

    The ServiceLocator is nice and real handy, but wouldn’t it be nice to get dependency injection right there in your controller’s constructor?