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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 23, 2012

    EPiServer 7 adds the concept of blocks, which differs in alot of ways from Composer blocks. One is how you provide localized names for the editor.

  • Posted on: Nov 22, 2012

    Introducing contenteditable The contenteditable attribute has been around since the good old days of Internet Explorer 5.5 and has finally been introduced into the HTML5 standards and is supported by pretty much every browser (

  • Posted on: Nov 22, 2012

    After upgrading one of our very old customer’s website from EPiServer 4.62 to CMS 6 R2, it was reported that documents with special characters in file name (for e.g. ‘S&R12.pdf’) throwing ‘System.Web.HttpException: A potentially dangerous...

  • Posted on: Nov 21, 2012

    Today I was deploying some new functionality on a customer site which included adding a couple of new properties. Added the properties and code and tested the new function and all was ok. So now it was only left to move the properties to the corre...

  • Posted on: Nov 20, 2012

    I work as a developer for an EPiServer partner in the UK and also have the pleasure of running many of the CMS Developer training courses in the UK and Ireland. During these courses I am often asked questions that fall into one of two categories: ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 19, 2012

    New Alloy templates package for EPiServer 7 is a good example of building adaptive site and using new EPiServer features like shared blocks. It implements custom content area rendering to arrange blocks in rows and fill all available space dependi...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 17, 2012

    When building EPiServer websites with ASP.NET MVC the LinkURL property doesn't do us much good. Here's a couple of MVC-compatible ways for getting the URL for a page. Pretty much since the dawn of time, or at least since the Finnish heavy metal ba...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 17, 2012

    Utilize ASP.NET MVC's display templates to customise how EPiServer's PropertyFor method renders properties. When building a site with EPiServer CMS 7 and ASP.NET MVC the standard way of rendering a property is to use the PropertyFor helper method....