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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2012

    Finally, Epinova.CRMFramework now supports Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011! The alpha version has just been released on CodePlex , check it out! Due to a lot of changes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, the framework has been completely rewritten with a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2012

    We have updated the beta site once more, however this time most users won’t notice. The latest update deal with a more fine-grained way of handling access rights for administrative tasks. For instance it is now possible to get access to creating...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 12, 2012

    I have wanted to add search to this site for a while. This site is built on EPiServer and also uses PageTypeBuilder so I had previously toyed with the idea of the built in EPiServer search. However I never quite got round to it and wanted to learn...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 12, 2012

    I have wanted to add search to this site for a while. This site is built on EPiServer and also uses PageTypeBuilder so I had previously toyed with the idea of the built in EPiServer search. However I never quite got round to it and wanted to learn...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 09, 2012

    There are loads and loads of plugins for EPiServer out there on the internets. We've got places like CodeResort, CodePlex and probably a few others that collectively supply us developers with vast amounts of tools and easy solutions. Sad thing,...

  • Posted on: Mar 09, 2012

    Thank you for all the feedback on the EPiFastUpload beta. This has clearly been something that a lot of people have been waiting for, so I am happy to let you know that the first production quality release of EPiFastUpload is out!   What does it d...

  • Posted on: Mar 08, 2012

    After a month of parental leave (following the release of AllansSon R2 in january) I’m finally getting to the bottom of the huge pile of emails that was waiting for me when I came back – and thought I’d celebrate it with this quick blog-post. Whil...

  • Posted on: Mar 06, 2012

    “EPiServer for Microsoft's cloud Azure , has finally received a launch date. It's April 1st (no joke) that EMVP Alexander Haneng / EPiNova and Daniel Berg / Sogeti 's persistent and extensive project sees the light. Large parts of EPiServer's core...