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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 11, 2011

    Tomorrow is my first day working as a freelancer. After having worked for three different consulting firms over the last six years I thought it was time to try something new. As an independent I will also have more freedom to work on products, suc...

  • Posted on: Dec 09, 2011

    Based on EPiServer CMS R2 and Commerce R2 SP1 Below you will find a brief video demonstrating the following: Searching customers and orders Placing orders from the Customer Management and Order Management subsystems I've uploaded to YouTube so you...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 09, 2011

    Den nya SiteSeeker-integrationen för EPiServer och .NET – version 4 – erbjuder ett nytt API för sortering, där du kan lägga till och ta bort sorteringsordningar som besökaren kan använda på söksidan. Ett bra användningsområde för denna funktion är...

  • Posted on: Dec 09, 2011

    My colleague David Knipe asked me yesterday whether it would be possible to add search into the FilteredPageReference page picker dialog as a client had requested it.  When I initially implemented FPR I decided to remove the search but I have now...

  • Posted on: Dec 07, 2011

    Stress testing is an important tool in your toolbox, and with the cloud it has gotten easier and cheaper than ever to do. In this blog post I will show you how you can load test your EPiServer site using a cloud based tool called LoadStorm.   The...

  • Posted on: Dec 06, 2011

    A new version of the custom property Logica Campaign Designer has now been released and contains the following changes: Added a list of the items in the campaign area, by dragging and dropping the items in the list you can change the z-index order...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 05, 2011

    How to find the most recently changed pages in EPiServer.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 04, 2011

    DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance is by default implemented by EPiServerDynamicDataStoreFactory. This class implements IDisposable and if you call dispose on this class you will notice that you application starts giving a lot of null reference...