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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 18, 2011

  • Posted on: Oct 18, 2011

    PageTypeBuilder v2.0 comes with a number of new features which Joel will most probably have already blogged about, see links on this page . But I thought I would put my own post up detailing some of the additional features I have been working on. ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 18, 2011

    This post shows how to make a simple addition to your log4net.config file to make it possible to view log4net messages in real-time.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 17, 2011

    It’s been a long time coming and we haven’t really managed to fit everything into version two of Page Type Builder that I’d hoped, but it’s better to ship and get feedback then to never ship. So, I’m happy to announce the release candidate for Pag...

  • Posted on: Oct 13, 2011

    I usually creates a virtual path (VirtualPathNativeProvider)  that all my css, images and javascript files is placed in. One reason for this is that later the editors have access to these files with out having to access the server. The problem com...

  • Posted on: Oct 13, 2011

      EPiServer and Accessibility Checker Seems an old topic in the current CMS market. There are many ways of checking the site’s compliance in EPiServer. Allan’s post talked about how to use WAVE to achieve the goal, and EditLive provides a rich...

  • Posted on: Oct 12, 2011

    In a project I’m currently working on I need to update some DSS tables when a user is viewing a page. This is not a problem, but sometimes the save method takes a bit to much time. Since the saving part of the data  not necessarily need to be done...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 12, 2011

    Today we’re releasing a first, early version of the Truffler integration for EPiServer CMS. This version contains the essential parts for automatically indexing PageData objects and querying them. There’s quite a lot of work remaining before we’re...