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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 20, 2011

    In a current project using EPi Commerce we ran into an issue in Commerce Admin. It was very hard to get a good overview of placed orders. This due to the ID column in commerce manager displaying OrderGroupId instead of the generated TrackingNumber...

  • Posted on: Sep 20, 2011

    I would like to get some input from the EPiServer Developer community about what kind of features/changes you would like to see on EPiServer Nuget. Suggestions can be for the web site or the actual feed itself. From the suggestions I get I will...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 18, 2011

    This post presents a concept for creating single-assembly gadgets for EPiServer. This means a gadget can be added to a site by simply dropping a DLL in the bin folder and registering it in web.config.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 17, 2011

    Since the launch of the first iPhone in 2007, the market for smart phones - and recently also tablets - has grown rapidly. More and more users now browse the web daily on these small, portable devices. As with everything else in this industry, us...

  • Posted on: Sep 16, 2011

    Based on 6 CMS R2 A lot of people are checking out the EPiServer MobilePack add-on for their initial efforts getting started in the mobile space.  The latest version, Beta v0.9 adds some great enhancements and features.  If you haven’t checked it...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 16, 2011

    A website configured with Windows Authentication in IIS caused HTTP 401.1 errors when browsing to it from the local machine. The problem was caused by a security feature in .NET 3.5 SP1.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 16, 2011

    The record industry is constantly complaining, suing and threatening that the Internet is killing music with it’s low cost modernistic ways of distributing media. Bu-huu. But I came across this very interesting interview with Dave Grohl (Nirvana,...

  • Posted on: Sep 16, 2011

    I was lucky enough to get a seat at the EPiServer Falcon event in Stockholm and I thought I’d share my feedback directly here at EPiServer World.   Built in “Page Type Builder” The biggest news for me is the ability to have an EPiServer standard w...