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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2011

    Does your website look a bit like this? My drawing skills leaves something to be desired, so lets point out the elements of a typical web page: These are standard elements you will find in many EPiServer projects, and they … Continue reading →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2011

    This post is part of a series that roughly covers a presentation I did about UI-testing at EPiServer meetup group. It contains the following parts: About why About what About EPiTest About visible elements About html About waiting About screenshot...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2011

    The recent weeks and months have included a stream of updates to my Flash players on various devices. It almost seems that every time I fire up a computer I need to update Flash (and Air), and it is starting to annoy me. And then I started to thin...

  • Posted on: Sep 06, 2011

    Had a problem where the statistics control didn’t render properly when using StatisticsType N (number). After a bit of digging with reflector it all came down to the priavte method GenerateOutputForNumbers and adding the cssstyle attribute to the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 06, 2011

    In a EPiServer Commerce project i'm working on we have catalog entries with a good amount of custom meta fields. When we did a new release to stage last week and added one more meta field we got the following error back from .NET on one entry, Mus...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 06, 2011

      Today I am going to divert a bit from the topic of my domain models series and try to write about what I am currently working on. I hope to continue the series in the following posts. For the past 2 days I have been working on migrating a code...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 05, 2011

    I’ve done a few updates to the Tags module for EPiServer CMS. The major change is that it’s now using the page’s PageGuid instead of PageLink (PageReference). This guaranties that the reference to the page will be correct, even when used with...

  • Posted on: Sep 05, 2011

    After developing EPiServer for 4 years you realize there are some mistakes that crop up way to often. And most of them is a 30 second job if you do it at the start of the project, but might take literally days if you want to correct it in producti...