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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 01, 2011

    This post is part of a series that roughly covers a presentation I did about UI-testing at EPiServer meetup group. It contains the following parts: About why About what About EPiTest About visible elements About html About waiting About screenshot...

  • Posted on: Aug 31, 2011

    EPiServer might be a Swedish product, but it certainly has a global following. And as EPiServer focus on the US market I was curious about the spread of EPiServer and its partners around the world. Since I am not an EPiServer employee I don’t get...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 30, 2011

    På många webbplatser och intranät publiceras information många gånger under dagen, och givetvis vill man som besökare kunna hitta också den allra senaste informationen i sökningen. Använder man SiteSeeker för att skapa dynamiska listor – dvs. man...

  • Posted on: Aug 30, 2011

    I have a requirement where a product price is selected based of discount flag setting done by web admin in edit mode. I have three property's “Normal Price”, “Promotional Price” and a flag “For sale”. if “for sale” is on then the promotional price...

  • Posted on: Aug 30, 2011

    XForms contains logic to store and present forms and data posted from forms. Together with the forms editor in EPiServer CMS 6 Edit mode, it enables editors to create and modify forms and to view form data. The XForms architecture enables...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 30, 2011

    After several years of EPiServer development on a variety of projects, I have found myself and other team members solving the same basic web CMS problems over and over again. Page list? Menu with multiple levels? Bread crumb menu? They … Continue...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 29, 2011

    This post is part of a series that roughly covers a presentation I did about UI-testing at EPiServer meetup group. It contains the following parts: About why About what About EPiTest About visible elements About html About waiting About screenshot...

  • Posted on: Aug 29, 2011

    NuGet is the easiest way to add EPiServer modules to your project. Just browse the library and click a button and everything is downloaded and installed for you. Including any changes to web.config and adding references. In this blog post we will...