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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 20, 2011

    Hello technology world. Use this place to expose what I learn and be as a note that maybe useful for someone else. I will mostly on .Net technology.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 19, 2011

    Some time back, I encountered the need to dynamically alter static error pages through EPiServer’s edit mode; or more specifically, edit an error page for a 500 Internal Server Error, caused by a database related failure. Since it might be …...

  • Posted on: Aug 19, 2011

    Here’s a little Friday goodie, in the end of the summer (although the weather outside leads me to believe that summer is already over). It’s not uncommon to want to use an alternate navigation method to access your content – like for instance usin...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2011

    I have created a simple report to show which CMS pages EPiServer Visitor Groups are used on: Clicking the Visitor Group name will take you to VG Admin for the Visitor Group. Clicking the page name will take you to CMS Edit Mode for that page. The...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 18, 2011

    We had a situation in the company this week which required us to deliver the whole EPiServer virtual path provider file structure to the client – zipped. Easy enough… go to the EpiServer VPP directory and… well… ok… hmm… so the path provider is...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2011

    Hi! First I would want to start this post by thanking Paul Smith for taking the time to point out the mistakes I had done in the last post I did about this, I learned a lot how to use the datastore in a correct way from his help! Thanks Paul! This...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2011

    EPiServer CMS6 R2 is shipped with four built in workflows (the same workflows that has been shipped with CMS since version 5). The workflows that are built in are two variants of page approval workflows, on request for feedback workflow and one...

  • Posted on: Aug 15, 2011

    Since version 6 R1, EPiServer CMS has had full support for MVC routing. This is what enables you to create OnlineCenter Gadgets in MVC. What may not have been obvious is that you can also create Admin and Edit mode plug-ins using MVC instead of We...