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  • Posted on: Jul 27, 2011

    Back in November 2010 Erik Nordin released his PropertyMatch.aspx admin plug-in for PageTypeBuilder see the article here . This little tool has been invaluable for anybody using PageTypeBuilder on large EPiServer builds.  It points out discrepanci...

  • Posted on: Jul 27, 2011

    Our NuGet site, has now been updated so you can log-in (using your normal EPiServer World account) and upload your own packages. Uploads are subject to moderation so they won’t appear in the live feed immediately but should...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 26, 2011

    It wasn't long after I started using EPiServer that I notices  Page Output for ASP.NET Trace doesn't work with the CMS (I even took the time to file a bug with EPiServer but I can't find it now to link to :( ). After some messing around I discover...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 22, 2011

    This post is about how to retrieve the entry point page reference when the page data object is served from a custom page provider. We have a look at Page Providers in EPiServer CMS, the DataFactory class and finally how to wrap it all up by...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 21, 2011

    I’ve started working on a new module for EPiServer CMS that adds tagging functionality to EPiServer Pages. This is something I’ve seen the need for in a lot of my projects lately. In the past I’ve used everything from the built in categories to...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 19, 2011

    A while ago I blogged some code for a couple of extension methods for the PageData type . An obvious addition that I've been using for a while now but didn't cover in the first post allows you to supply the default value. This works nicely for...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 18, 2011

    Model Binding – is the ‘auto-magic’ step performed by the ASP.NET MVC framework to convert user submitted data (either http post values, querystring values or url route values) into a strongly typed model, used in your controller actions. Out of t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 15, 2011

    There is a new version of ImageVault out now