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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 13, 2011

    Adding robots.txt file to a single site is easy. To do the samething for an enterprise version is a bit more work. The easiest way to solve the challange is to add an HttpHandler that write out the correct content based on the url of the sites. Th...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 13, 2011

    Adding robots.txt file to a single site is easy. To do the samething for an enterprise version is a bit more work. The easiest way to solve the challange is to add an HttpHandler that write out the correct content based on the url of the sites. Th...

  • Posted on: Jul 13, 2011

    The new Visitor group functionality in EPiServer looks very interesting and I was so fortunate that I got a demo by Mats Hellström earlier this year but have been busy so haven’t had time to blog about my thoughts. As I said earlier It looks very...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 13, 2011

    This is a first post after a long break. Considering my lack of discipline and time I’m pretty sure this will not turn into regular blogging but anyways. Some context first. It’s been 4 years since I started working for Making Waves . One of the...

  • Posted on: Jul 12, 2011

    I saw a requirement from a customer who wanted to be able to set start and stop publish dates for different parts of a page. This of course can be done by creating and maintaining several page versions but sounds like quite a clumsy solution to me...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 10, 2011

    Installation of the folder browser property just got a little easier.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 10, 2011

    Installation of the folder browser property just got a little easier. *update folder browser is only available via EPiServer NuGet feed I have made a NuGet package of the folder browser property that can be found on the official NuGet package feed...

  • Posted on: Jul 08, 2011

    So, to round off the first week in the Summer of Code series, I figured I’d do a little simple (but quite useful) Criterion for Visitor Groups. This time it’s the XForm Criterion, that will let you check if the current visitor has submitted any of...