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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 29, 2011

    It’s been a while since I had a chance to do any coding… turns out leading a development division tends to not have much to do with development… who knew?! But I’ve finally got a moment to sit down and refresh the EPiServer PowerShell console and...

  • Posted on: Apr 29, 2011

    Whether you want it or not, sooner or later you'll probably wind up in front of a crippled production environment without any meaningful logs to hold hand with. The pressure is high, let this heavily shortened story begin.. This particular website...

  • Posted on: Apr 29, 2011

    Today’s savvy web visitors are increasingly looking for that ‘little something special’. To keep your content fresh, engaging and relevant to ensure a visitor returns time and time again, investment in an effective personalization strategy can tak...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 29, 2011

    En av de vanligaste frågorna vi får just nu av våra kunder och partners är vad man ska tänka på när man utformar en sökupplevelse för sin webbplats, e-butik eller intranät med sökmönstret autocomplete. Principen bakom autocomplete är att leverera ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2011

    After the economic recession, the importance of a CRM system has become clear to many. Companies have had an increased focus on building customer loyalty while at the same time increasing their customer portfolios. While most large and medium...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2011

    Despite risking mean comments about what a content management system is for - this post shows how we created a page type for publishing plain HTML content in EPiServer.

  • Posted on: Apr 27, 2011

    The Problem Some of us over the last few months have been experiencing issues within our EPiServer sites where when we have been changing .aspx, .ascx and other files within our web application the changes have not been reflected when viewing the...

  • Posted on: Apr 27, 2011

    I got a problem when I was trying to use the WYSIWYG editor inside the Dynamic Content editor. The problem it seems is that the SavePageHandler in the PageBase on the edit page is not set. This result in that the check IsNewPage will fail when the...