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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 14, 2010

    A year ago I wrote about how we handled having different configuration files for different development environments in the project that I was working on using build events and Powershell. I’m currently working on a project where we do something...

  • Posted on: Jul 13, 2010

    We’ve been talking about various design principles in the last few posts.  So how does this relate to (unit) testing? In a recent talk I attended by Michael Feathers one of the many good points he made was this: Design your application in a good w...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 12, 2010

    Two key factors for building a successful site based on EPiServer CMS is that it’s easy and intuitive for editors to publish content and that the site is built in a way so that it’s easy to maintain. One way of helping, or rather guiding, the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 12, 2010

    Two key factors for building a successful site based on EPiServer CMS is that it’s easy and intuitive for editors to publish content and that the site is built in a way so that it’s easy to maintain. One way of helping, or rather guiding, the...

  • Posted on: Jul 09, 2010

    · Read the blog about How to add Facebook Like button to an EPiServer site from Eric Pettersson and I think about “Recommend” button on EPiServer Commerce site. If some product from EPiServer Commerce site is good and recommended by user, maybe...

  • Posted on: Jul 08, 2010

    I got several questions about versioning of the PageData object in EPiServer (mostly by people writing their own page providers). So I decided to create a simple script to find out exactly what is changed when saving a page using the Save method i...

  • Posted on: Jul 07, 2010

    Got a question about how do you add a Facebook Like Button to an EPiServer Site. Well it is really easy! :) First I give you a short introduction to the Like Button from Facebook. Why should you have a like button on your site? Well Facebok is a...

  • Posted on: Jul 02, 2010

    Versioning file system in EPiServer 5 is handled by VirtualPathVersioningProvider which is the default provider in EPiServer 5. Recently I had to resolve an issue with not registering the provider in precompiled website. There is a workaround here...